World Literature Today Announces Its 2016 Pushcart and Best American Essays Nominees

November 30, 2016

The editors of World Literature Today are pleased to announce their nominations for Pushcart Prize XLII, the annual anthology that features the best of the small-press publishing world. Our shortlist include six authors featured in WLT in 2016—including, for the second time ever, an online-only nominee: 


Iben Mondrup Iben Mondrup (Greenland/Denmark), “The Grouse Hunt,” translated from the Danish by Kerri Pierce (November 2016) 

  Zsuzsa Selyem Zsuzsa Selyem (Romania/Hungary), “Danube 1954,” translated from the Hungarian by Erika Mihálycsa (November 2016) 



Dubravka Ugresic Dubravka Ugrešić (Croatia/Holland), “The Scold’s Bridle,” translated from the Croatian by Ellen Elias-Bursać (September 2016) 


Ghassan Zaqtan Ghassan Zaqtan (Palestine), “We Were Born in the Houses of Storytellers,” translated from the Arabic by Sam Wilder (March 2016) 



Mai Mang Mai Mang (China/US), “Two Poems 27 Years after Tiananmen” (online) 


Brenda Marie Osbey Brenda Marie Osbey (US), “Death by Water Suite” (September 2016) 


The editors are also pleased to nominate two essays for the Best American Essays series, which features “a work of respectable literary quality, intended as a fully developed, independent essay on a subject of general interest, originally written in English (or translated by the author) for publication in an American periodical”: 

Alison Anderson Alison Anderson (US/Switzerland), “Of Gatekeepers and Bedtime Stories: The Ongoing Struggle to Make Women’s Voices Heard” (November 2016) 

Jordan Tanahill Jordan Tannahill (Canada), “Why Live? A Question for 21st Century Theatre” (January 2016)


On behalf of the entire staff of WLT, we congratulate our nominees on their outstanding literary achievements and thank all our contributors for making 2016 yet another high-water mark in WLT’s ninety-year history.