Ringwood, Oklahoma. Turning Plow Press. 2023. 142 pages.
Poems that draw on rural scenes and nature are not the flavor of the day. The poems gathered in Come Before Winter, Ken Hada’…
Ken Hada
- America has long been at the crossroads of accepting diversity and empire-building. American interactions with diverse peoples have often been less than ideal. During confusing, often unjust, dealings…
- Jonas Zdanys is a master lyricist. The bilingual poet (English and Lithuanian) displays his versatile ability with a variety of poetic styles in several recent collections. In Red Stones (201…
- Duane Hada, ill. Norman, Oklahoma. Mongrel Empire. 2011. ISBN 9780983305262Brothers Duane and Ken Hada have produced an unusual and unusually beautiful book, which traces the White River, from its ori…