Photo by Eugene_Photo / Stock.adobe.com霜降之日 这是秋天最后一个节气 所有美好的东西都在过去 瓦上的霜印上了鸟的花纹 我还在写诗,没有在意这一生即将过完 桥上的薄霜留不下什么痕迹就已消失 深夜的火车从玄武湖那边 越过黑黝黝的紫金山顶传过来 草丛间秋虫微弱的抗议 Frost’s Descent On the last solar term…
Sandro Botticelli, La mappa dell’Inferno, ca. 1480–90, Vatican Library / Wikimedia[Midway upon the journey] midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within an endless war well it’s…
This project grew from a conversation with Kim Stafford during the Oregon Society of Translators and Interpreters conference, “Words = A Pathway to Peace.” We decided to send a poem for peace around t…
Photo by ongap / Stock.adobe.comfor Naomi Shihab Nye Eid al-Fitr Shavuot Pentecost 2021 I want to follow Naomi to walk in her footsteps to gather with her only the gentle words like fallen…
Photo by Mark / Stock.adobe.comRite of Baptism If you pass, know that you will have no say about what happens. Some of our people will hate you as they hate themselves. You must create a life wi…
Photo of melangeur by nobito / Shutterstock.comMelangeur The manual couldn’t be clearer about how even moisture trapped in sugar could ruin the melangeur, so when the granite wheels screech and some u…
Photos by NASA Johnson / Flickr.comMarking the Wetlands by Valeria Mussiotranslated by Whitney DeVos & Valeria Meiller “If all this is a bay, why can’t I see it?”…
Dead Horse Bay, 2015 | Photos by Santiago Acosta1. One morning I left home and took the Q35 down to Brooklyn. On the phone, the blue path showed me the way to Barren Island, a man-made peninsula that…
Photos from the aftermath of the McDougall Creek wildfire of August 2023 by Andreas RutkauskasAfter the wildfires, 2023 Grief sits in the bottom of my lungs — maybe I cradle it there so I can breathe…
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash.com[A person should fold up his world] A person should fold up his world put his head between his legs and so observe his existence say things of worth things that f…
And the Earth Opened Its Mouth At the end of June my earth trembles also at the end of August, and also after Sukkot, and also before Passover and afterward. Every movement of the dials on the face of…
Photo by Geert Pieters / Unsplash.comTranströmer The tea almost gone from our cups Ulla took off her glasses Said she met Tomas Tranströmer in his house in Sweden Schubert was playing The moment he…
Background photo by Sean McArthur / Unsplash.comLook — Santa Monica, so much like Italy. Old friend, remember when you and I lived down here? See all those fish shops? Here, come this way. A huge oran…
Photo by Fía Yang on UnsplashUne pointe de sel sur ma confession On vient me voir On me demande la mer Les algues et les poissons Je ne suis pas doué comme Jésus Pour l’autodérision Je reste là …
Photo by Hunter W on UnsplashFamiliar, Tartane, though I’ve never been here before. Whole coast, Atlantic, stops believing in sun, or maybe that’s me, bouldered by winter. Presqu’île de la Caravell…
Photo by Bowonpat - stock.adobe.comIf a love song is made of water, the water you hold in your hands right now is a lyric, a song inside the rusty tap released, coil of silvered music unraveling, shiv…
Liza Martin, Homelessness Home (2023), oil on canvas, 11 x 13 cmI’ve Been Border-Crossing All My Life after Anisa Rahim’s “A Russian Hacked My Pinterest Account” I’m not talking about the s…
Voyagerixon - stock.adobe.comIf you mix rainwater with tears laughter with sun tornado and the wind with rising indignation. If you cry for the children, barefoot open-handed, whose approaching faces…
Photo by Feng Weixiang (2012)Prophet When crows fly over the villages Panic erupts like a flash flood Soon after, as Nanmusa has prophesied A plague spreads along the valley Some life soon evaporated …
Kikisoblu (Princess Angeline) at her house, circa 1893, Frank LaRoche, glass negative, b&w, 8 x 10 in. PEMCO Webster & Stevens Collection, Museum of History & Industry, Seattle;…
would those who used to be weather have a word for the weight of fall sky setting in may? again i am inclined to ask what i have done. my moon/scape goat insecure ly reflected in a pool of my making—…
Image photographed by Cody Hammer𐓵𐓣𐓟 𐓣́𐓟 𐓪𐓷𐓘́𐓥𐓘͘𐓬𐓣 𐓥𐓪́͘𐓜𐓘 𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟́𐓺𐓟 𐓣́𐓟 𐓷𐓘𐓮𐓤𐓘́ 𐓨𐓘́͘𐓻𐓘͘ 𐓩𐓣́𐓵𐓟 𐓵𐓟̋𐓤𐓘 𐓩𐓣́𐓥𐓘 𐓵𐓟 𐓘𐓬𐓘 𐓟́ 𐓵𐓣𐓸𐓪́͘ 𐓲𐓟 𐓤𐓘𐓵𐓪͘ 𐓻𐓘́́́͘𐓸𐓟 𐓘𐓵𐓣́͘𐓟 𐓟́ 𐓩𐓘͘𐓸𐓪́͘ 𐓬𐓟 𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓟́𐓺𐓟 𐓣́𐓟 𐓷𐓘𐓮𐓤𐓘́ 𐓩𐓣́𐓥𐓘 𐓘𐓬𐓘 𐓷𐓘𐓧𐓶́𐓯𐓤𐓘 𐓡𐓪͘…
Photo by Dylan Hunter / Unsplash[She hides photographs] Ta yolon stem snak’oj lok’ombailetik. Mu buch’o xa valbe, sts’ajoj ta pox xkuxlejal viniketik, xchik’anoj ta ik’al kantilaetik xch’iel ants…
Photo by Tania Victoria / Secretaría de Cultura de la Ciudad de México / FlickrK’opojel ¿Mach’a kati a sna’ bin a yal te awo’tane? ¿Mach’a kati ya’yoj te smantalil ak’ope? ¿Mach’a k’an yal ka’ytik…