Browse through all of the translators in WLT.

  • Vivian Eden holds a PhD in translation studies from the University of Iowa. The author of one book of poetry and numerous articles, she translates from Hebrew into English and a bit from French. Her day job is at Haaretz’s English edition, a daily newspaper published in Tel Aviv with the International New York Times.

  • Maayan Eitan is a writer and translator based in Tel Aviv. Her first novel, Love, was published in Israel in 2020. Her work is regularly published in Israeli and American literary magazines.

  • Thoraya El-Rayyes is a Palestinian-Canadian writer living in Amman, Jordan. Her translations of Arabic short stories have previously appeared in Saint Anne’s Review

  • Ellen Elias-Bursać translates fiction and nonfiction from Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian. Her translation of David Albahari’s novel Götz and Meyer was given the 2006 ALTA National Translation Award.

  • Eric Ellingsen is assistant professor of landscape architecture at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and a member of Poetry-Jazz.

  • Photo by Hiroko Koga

    Tomoyuki Endo is an assistant professor at Wako University in Tokyo and co-translator, with Forrest Gander, of Shuri Kido’s forthcoming book of poems, Names and Rivers.

  • George Evans’s poetry collections have been published in the UK, US, and Costa Rica, including The New World, Sudden Dreams, and the bilingual Espejo de la tierra / Earth’s Mirror, translated by Daisy Zamora. He has also published two volumes of translations: The Time Tree by Vietnamese poet Huu Thinh, and The Violent Foam by Daisy Zamora.