The recent movie adaptation of the novel Ender’s Game, along with the continued strife in Syria, remind us that, reality or fantasy, genocide is a topic we are unable to avoid. Whether in the…
Vaddey Ratner
- Bravery comes in many forms. As Salman Rushdie said to me in an interview, and confirmed at the opening night of PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature, the artist stan…
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James Baldwin, whose hundredth birthday we recently celebrated, once declared that besides bearing witness to America’s perennial and intolerable…
Zong! is a problem, a provocation, a persistence on the edge of an abyss. Fifteen years after its original publication, Zong! has…
Caroline Cingria, C. F. Ramuz, pastel (1903) / Images courtesy of Noël CordonierLumen Obscurum
Light and darkness are a major part…
Photo of the author by Jeff Norman / ZeinaAzzam.comIn Zeina Azzam’s mesmerizing collection of poems Some Things Never Leave You (Tiger Bark…
Winner of the Rómulo Gallegos Prize, Fernando Vallejo’s The Abyss (New Directions, 2024) is reaching new audiences in Yvette Siegert’s…