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  • Alon Raab

    Alon Raab is a writer, co-editor of The Global Game: Writers on Soccer, and a lifelong lover of bicycles.

  • Photo by Jonat De La Rosadiv>

    José Rabelo

    José Rabelo (b. 1963) is a Puerto Rican writer and dermatologist. Some of his books include La casa de los animales extraños (2020), Los mundos de Lonstal (2020), Club de calamidades (El Barco de Vapor Award, 2013), PAM (2013), and 2063 y otras distopías (2018).

  • István D. Rácz

    István D. Rácz is a professor of English in the Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. He has published books and studies on post-1945 British poetry, translation studies, and Romantic poetry.

  • Photo: Ana Kašćelandiv>

    Milovan Radojević

    Milovan Radojević has been an editor and screenwriter for art and culture programs on Montenegrin television since 1988, and he is associated with the Montenegrin National Theater. His publications include the novel Dominik (2001) and a short-story collection, Rains . . . White Dogs (Kiše . . . bijeli psi, 2013). Radojević is a member of the Montenegrin PEN Center. 

  • Stella Vinitchi Radulescu

    Stella Vinitchi Radulescu was born in Romania and left the country at the height of the Communist regime. Writing poetry in three languages, she has published numerous books in the United States, France, Belgium, and Romania. Radulescu’s French books have received several awards, including the Grand Prix de Poésie Noël-Henri Villard and the Prix Amélie Murat.

  • Elizabeth Rae

    Elizabeth Rae is an undergraduate student at the University of Oklahoma and an intern for World Literature Today. Her self-published novel Idyllwilde is available on Amazon, and her pop culture podcasts are available at

  • Tom Rains

    Tom Rains is a WLT intern.

  • S. Ramakrishnan

    A prolific writer and a Sahitya Akademi award winner, S. Ramakrishnan has been active in the Tamil literary scene for the last thirty years in diverse areas of modern Tamil literature such as short stories, novels, and plays. His publication credits include twenty collections of short stories, ten novels, nine plays, and fifteen books for children. S. Ramakrishnan has also contributed articles/essays to newspapers and periodicals, which have been compiled into books.

  • Ellie Rambo

    Ellie Rambo is a PhD student in English at UNC–Chapel Hill, where she studies twentieth-century American and Russian-language literature. She is the assistant managing editor for Post Road magazine.

  • Juan Hernández Ramírez

    Juan Hernández Ramírez is a renowned Nahua poet from the community of Colatlán in the municipality of Ixhuatlán de Madero, Veracruz, Mexico. His life in the Huasteca has had an indelible impression on his poetry. He identifies this founding experience as key in his literature and deep respect for the earth. Hernández Ramírez was awarded the Premio Nezahualcoyotl for his book of poetry Chikome Xochitl in 2006. In 2008 he received the continental prize Canto de América for Tlatlatok tetl (Stone on fire). He has published five books of poetry and has numerous forthcoming publications.

  • Photo by Daianara Rodríguezdiv>

    Juanluís Ramos

    Juanluís Ramos (b. 1985, Bayamón) is the author of two story collections, Shadowplay (2016) and Reyerta TV (2009). For the latter, he obtained the 2009 National Short Story Prize awarded by the PEN Club Puerto Rico. In 2017 he received the Festival de la Palabra’s Nuevas Voces prize, an award given to up-and-coming Puerto Rican authors.

  • Rand

    Rand is a Palestinian poet, future doctor, and part-time swim coach from Lod, Palestine. She has been writing poetry from a young age and turns to it as a safe haven. She firmly believes that writing has the power to ignite awareness and change where injustice exists.

  • Photo by Juan Pérez div>

    Margaret Randall

    Margaret Randall (b. 1936, New York) is a poet, essayist, oral historian, translator, photographer, and social activist. Time’s Language: Selected Poems 1959–2018 recently appeared from Wings Press. Randall lived in Latin America for twenty-three years (Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua). She received the 2017 Medalla al Mérito Literario from Literatura en el Bravo (Ciudad Juárez, Mexico). In 2019 she was given the “Poet of Two Hemispheres” award by Poesía en Paralelo Cero (Quito, Ecuador) and the Haydée Santamaría medal by Casa de las Américas (Cuba). A memoir, I Never Left Home: Poet, Feminist, Revolutionary, is due out from Duke University Press in spring 2020. In May 2019 Randall was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.

  • Shaun Randol

    Shaun Randol is the founder and editor of The Mantle. He is also an Associate Fellow at the World Policy Institute in New York City, and a member of the National Book Critics Circle and the PEN American Center.

  • Raja Rao

    Raja Rao (1908-2006) was born in Hassan, in what is now Narnataka in South India. Though his father taught Kannada at the college where he worked, Rao studied in France for his post-graduate studies and most of his publications were written in the English language. His first stories began appearing in various magazines and journals in 1933, and he published his first book in 1938. Upon his return to India in 1939, Rao became involved in the nationalist movement emerging there. From 1966-1983, he relocated back to the United States and taught Philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin.

  • Photo © Anne Staveleydiv>

    Emily Rapp Black

    Emily Rapp Black is the author of Poster Child: A Memoir and The Still Point of the Turning World, which was a New York Times best-seller. She is an associate professor of creative writing at UC–Riverside.

  • Feroz Rather

    Feroz Rather holds a PhD in creative writing from Florida State University. His work has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, The Common, Kenyon Review, the Ploughshares Blog, The Millions, Rumpus, and elsewhere. His debut novel, The Night of Broken Glass, published by HarperCollins in South Asia, was nominated for the First Book Award by the Ninth Mumbai International Literary Festival.

  • Moniru Ravanipour

    Moniru Ravanipour is one of the most prominent writers of postrevolutionary Iran. She is the author of several distinguished novels, including Heart of Steel, Gypsy by Fire, and The Drowned. Her collections of short stories, Kanizu and Satan’s Stone, were translated and published in the United States. A former Brown University fellow at the International Writers Project, Ravanipour now lives in Las Vegas and is affiliated with the Black Mountain Institute at the University of Nevada.

  • Oliver Raw

    Oliver Raw is a British travel writer moonlighting as a printmaker. Born and raised in Yorkshire, England, he has spent the last two decades overseas and now calls Europe and Asia home.

  • Kristina Zdravič Reardon

    Kristina Zdravič Reardon translates from her grandparents’ native Slovene and Spanish. WLT will publish two pieces of short-short fiction translated by Reardon in its September issue.

  • Photo © Doug Wolfdiv>

    Nichole L. Reber

    Nichole L. Reber is a nonfiction writer. Her writing about art, architecture, expatriotism, and cultural politics has earned awards by Travelers’ Tales and the Antioch Writers’ Workshop (Midwest). In India she was mugged, nearly kidnapped, and stranded on Thanksgiving Day; still, the Indiaphile hopes to return again and again. Nichole recently authored an essay on her “year of colorful reading” on the WLT blog.

  • Remi Recchia

    Remi Recchia is a trans poet and essayist from Kalamazoo, Michigan. He is a PhD student in English/creative writing at Oklahoma State University and currently serves as an associate editor for the Cimarron Review. A four-time Pushcart Prize nominee, Recchia’s work has appeared or will soon appear in Best New Poets 2021, Harpur Palate, and Juked, among others. He holds an MFA in poetry from Bowling Green State University and is the author of Quicksand / Stargazing (2021).

  • Willis Goth Regier

    Willis Goth Regier is the author of Quotology and Book of the Sphinx. He has written on the Arabian Nights, Erasmus’s Adages, and the Zibaldone of Leopardi for World Literature Today.

  • Olivia Reginaldo

    Olivia Reginaldo (Huancavelica, Perú) is an editor and contributing writer for the Atuqpa Chupan Quechua-language literary magazine. Reginaldo’s Quechua-language poetry has been featured in various literary and academic publications in Latin America, the US, and Europe. She is currently completing postgraduate studies in “plurilingualism and interculturality” at the University of Strasbourg, France.

  • Christa Reinig

    Christa Reinig was born in Germany and began her career in East Berlin, although she published in West Berlin. Reinig wrote fiction, nonfiction, short stories, and poetry, her work often marked by humor and black irony as well as her lesbian identity. After winning the Bremen Literature Prize in 1964, Reinig settled in Munich, where she lived until her death in 2008. 

  • Ernesto Reséndiz Oikión

    Ernesto Reséndiz Oikión holds a degree in Hispanic languages and literatures from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). His essays on Mexico’s gay and queer literary legacy have appeared in a variety of venues, including the books La memoria y el deseo: Estudios gay y queer en México and Juan Gabriel: Lo que se ve no se pregunta. His article “César Moro, flor de invernadero” is included in the Obra poética completa de César Moro (Colección Archivos).

  • Roberto Fernández Retamar

    Cuban poet, essayist, and literary critic Roberto Fernández Retamar is the president of the Casa de las Américas and was the 2002 Puterbaugh Fellow (see WLT, Summer/Autumn 2002). 

  • No‘u Revilla

    No’u Revilla (she/her/ʻo ia) is an ʻŌiwi poet and educator. Her debut book, Ask the Brindled (Milkweed, 2022), won the 2021 National Poetry Series. She also won the 2021 Omnidawn Broadside Poetry Prize. Her work has been adapted for theatrical productions in Aotearoa as well as art exhibitions for the Honolulu Museum of Art and the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She teaches creative writing at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.

  • Photo: Peter Dresseldiv>

    Barbara Jane Reyes

    Barbara Jane Reyes ( is the author of Invocation to Daughters (City Lights, 2017) and four previous collections of poetry, including Poeta en San Francisco (TinFish) and Diwata (BOA Editions). Letters to a Young Brown Girl is forthcoming from BOA in 2020.

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    Jewell Parker Rhodes

    Jewell Parker Rhodes is the Virginia G. Piper Endowed Chair at Arizona State University. She’s written six adult novels, Voodoo Dreams, Magic City, Douglass’ Women, Season, Moon, and Hurricane; a memoir; two writing guides; as well as seven youth books, including the New York Times best-seller Ghost Boys; Black Brother, Black Brother; Towers Falling; Ninth Ward; Sugar; Bayou Magic; and the forthcoming Paradise on Fire.