Friday Lit Links — Week of June 22

Kenny Fries muses on the invisibility of people with disabilities in conversations about diversity in publishing.
David Schuman of the Kenyon Review covers Aminatta Forna’s latest novel, Happiness. Forna composed this unforgettable Puterbaugh essay on the power of storytelling to build empathy.
Writing for the American Scholar, Sudip Bose offers this hot list of the twenty-five most important American symphonic compositions.
In “The Greatest Conman Ever?,” the BBC’s Hephzibah Anderson offers a profile of Romain Gary, asking why the author of the best-selling French novel of the twentieth century isn’t better known outside his home country.
Over at the Nation, Robert Greene reviews Anders Walker’s The Burning House: Jim Crow and the Making of Modern America.
Laurie Hertzel shares her summer reading lists with the Star Tribune.
WLT review superstar Lanie Tankard reviews Bethany C. Morrow’s debut novel, MEM.
The Academy of American Poets included Gabrielle Calvocoressi’s poem, “Achingly Beautiful How the Sky Blooms Umber at the End of the Day, Through the Canopy” on its summer reading list. Recently, Sarah Warren reviewed Calvocoressi’s collection Rocket Fantastic for WLT.
Anne Garréta and Emma Ramadan were awarded the 2018 Albertine Prize for Not One Day (Deep Vellum, 2017).