From the protests in Turkey to graduation speeches in the U.S., this week’s lit links cover a lot of ground. We’ve also included several upcoming events and dates we think you should be aware of, so m…
- What an exciting week for WLT! As you know (or will find in the links below), we recently announced the jurors of the 2014 Neustadt Festival. You can expect the Neustadt Prize finalists…
- NEWS RELEASEFor immediate releaseAllyse Sanchez 303-839-1415, ext. [email protected] Robert Con DavisExecutive Director,…
- So many lit links, so little time! This week’s highlights include more literary news from the protestors in Gezi Park, Turkey; some disheartening news from German-language publisher Suhrkamp; and a cr…
- Recent issues of WLT have featured Tahmima Anam (Bangladesh), Marina Carr (Ireland), and Julia Franck (Germany) on the cover.Two weeks ago, in a post on Words Without Borders, Alison…
- This week, the representation of women in translated literature was a hot-button issue. Read about it below!News, Reviews, and InterviewsA new study reveals that women represent only…
- This week, you can meet the two winners of the Best Translated Book Awards, transport yourself to the Bogota International Book Festival, and check Google for how many times your favorite word has bee…
- In my travels around the global literary scene, the question of a writerly identity has never seemed more precarious, conflicted, and urgent than with writers from Africa. More o…
- K. Anis AhmedLast Thursday, the second annual Dhaka Hay Festival opened with a moderated dialogue between Pakistani novelist Mohammed Hanif and the most exciting new Bangladeshi talent writing in Engl…
- We are pleased to officially present the WLT shortlist of Pushcart Prize nominations for 2012. The Pushcart Prize annually honors the best poetry, short fiction, or essays published in small…
- Left: WLT intern Alyssa Boutelle's illustration of a quote from the September issue of WLT. Right, a screenshot of the new WLT Pinterest.We’ve been pinning away in our…
- When it was announced yesterday that Mo Yan is this year's winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, it echoed the case made by WLT executive director Robert Con Davis-Undiano, who deliver…
- From the Clinton Library, a view of a bridge crossing the Arkansas River.Every two years a group of outstanding international writers gathers for the International Conference on the Short Story in Eng…
- It’s not every day I get to meet the photographers whose portraits provide a glimpse into the lives of the authors we feature in WLT. So when I heard about the evolving exhibit of author port…
- This week was full of new items worthy of our "Fun Finds and Inspiration" title. But don't forget to mark your calendars with the events listed under "For Your Calendar"!News, Reviews, and Int…
- In this new series of blog posts we open a window into the creative spaces of our writers all around the world, getting a brief glimpse into how and where they each uniqely work through the creative p…
- This week was again full of exciting literary news, including several news items about past Neustadt and Puterbaugh participants, which we love to see! (By the way, the 2012 Neustadt Festival…
- This week was filled to the brim with poetry-related materials. Below, you'll find links to video poetry readings, essays on poetry, and previously-published poems that fit into today's context. Enjoy…
- As always, it was a very busy week in the world of literature. This week's links reach across the globe, with news from Japan, Germany, France, and England.News, Reviews, and Interviews…
- Welcome to the first Friday Link Pool post! Every week, this space will feature links from media sources around the web about recent literary news and events.News, Reviews, and…
- Since the early 2000s, World Literature Today has been gingerly dipping a toe into the fast-flowing waters of the World Wide Web. In the early years, we started out by hosting a basic w…