Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dzanc Books. 2023. 312 pages.
The Middle Daughter is set in contemporary Enugu in the heart of eastern Nigeria. It revolves around a family who suffered tragic loss and the ways…
- New York. Other Press. 2022. 544 pages. Igiaba Scego’s third novel, The Color Line, is a multilayered adventure. It features two women, more than a century apart, who encounter many of the same strug…
- Beijing. People’s Literature Publishing House. 2022. 211 pages. Goddess of Sipsong Panna is a collection of thirteen short stories by the much-acclaimed Chinese writer Can Xue (b. 1953). Set across a…
- Oakland, California. Transit Books. 2023. 444 pages. Laurent Mauvignier’s 444-page-long novel is a painfully slow burn, and yet it provides for a most compulsive read. Mauvignier, the prolific French…
- Paris. Gallimard. 2022. 48 pages. Annie Ernaux’s latest book was published a few months before she was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature. At roughly forty pages, it is closer in length to a…
- New York. Random House. 2023. 352 pages. Pampa Kampana, the demigoddess of Victory City, Salman Rushdie’s incredible new novel, envisions the kingdom she builds from enchanted seeds and whispers as a…
- Le Palais-sur-Vienne, France. Éditions Project’îles. 2022. 275 pages. TWINS FEATURE PROMINENTLY in Haitian culture and literary history, reflecting spiritually and figuratively the s…
- Lima. Alfaguara. 2022. 640 pages. EDGARDO RIVERA MARTÍNEZ’S first novel, País de Jauja, received immediate critical acclaim when it was published in Peru in 1993. Some…
- New York. HarperVia. 2022. 592 pages. ALMOST EVERY DAY the news reminds us of the immediate horror and lifelong repercussions of crimes both individual and more general. Yet mys…
- Dallas. Dalkey Archive Press. 2022. 352 pages. ALTHOUGH HE IS RELATIVELY UNKNOWN in the United States, the philosophical and historical sweep of the fiction of Slovenian author…
- Berkeley, California. Stone Bridge Press. 2022. 300 pages. HIROMI ITO’S AWARD-WINNING The Thorn Puller participates in the long tradition of autobiographical ficti…
- Berkeley, California. Stone Bridge Press. 2022. 300 pages. HIROMI ITO’S AWARD-WINNING The Thorn Puller participates in the long tradition of autobiographical ficti…
- New York. Atria Books. 2022. 370 pages. IN HER SIXTH BOOK, Reyna Grande, revered chronicler of the modern Mexican American immigrant experience, takes a detour into the world of hist…
- New York. Del Rey. 2022. 320 pages. SILVIA MORENO-GARCIA is known for an intersectional feminist approach to genre fiction that resists intertwining currents of sexism, white su…
- London. Scribe. 2022. 352 pages. FEVER, the first book by Italian author Jonathan Bazzi, is based on the writer’s experience coming to terms with an HIV diagnosis. Through a…
- New York. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2023. 128 pages. NORWEGIAN WRITER Gunnhild Øyehaug plumbs her psyche in a newly translated work, putting a twenty-first-century spin on nineteent…
- New York. Restless Books. 2022. 288 pages. MILITARY SERVICE IN ISRAEL is mandatory, although the ultra-Orthodox and Arab Israelis are exempt from conscription. The majority of y…
- Paris. Gallimard. 2022. 192 pages. Paris. Gallimard. 2022. 576 pages. WHEN A FIRST novel by an unknown Louis-Ferdinand Céline appeared in French bookstores in 1932, it swiftly…
- Portland, Oregon. Ooligan Press. 2022. 160 pages. WHAT CAN BREVITY OFFER readers that length cannot? A specific style of intimacy; an intimacy borne out of a glance, or an impending…
- Minneapolis, Minnesota. Catalyst Press. 2023. 278 pages. BRIDGET PITT’S Eye Brother Horn could have been a saga of empty gestures, unearned revelations, and inconsequen…
- New York. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. 2022. 374 pages. SET ON A REMOTE ISLAND off the western coast of Ireland in the summer of 1979 and written in a style that alternates betwe…
- New York. Knopf. 2022. 704 pages. TO PASS BETWEEN history and fiction is to walk a road so wide that either side is almost always inconspicuous from the other. But, at times, they co…
- New York. Archipelago. 2023. 137 pages. MAYLIS DE KERANAGAL’S Eastbound is an antiwar story in which no bullets are fired and not a single battle is fought. The French…
- New York. HarperVia. 2023. 400 pages. AN INTERESTING TREND has emerged in the decade during which African and diaspora women feature the experience of migration—outside of Africa. No…
- New York. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2022. 113 pages. ROBERTO CALASSO, the Italian writer and publisher, died in 2021. Most of his written work belongs within a sequence of studies o…